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The Future of Infrastructure Management in eMobility:

The Future of Infrastructure Management in eMobility:

Optimizing Your EV Charger Infrastructure

Emanuel Moreira, and Richard Moravec,

A vexing situation for an EV charging business is constantly worrying about the effects of broken-down chargers, ultimately affecting any EV station’s business and brand. When EV chargers and their networks run into breakdowns, EV operators are trying to preventively fix disruptions by working with large volumes of information and data, desperately attempting to understand and improve reliability. 

According to different EV business models, when asking operators what is critical for successful charge operations, whether it is charge power output, service extensions, or the number of charge units on-site, it’s uptime and operation efficiency that would be listed as top priorities to operate in this line of business successfully.

In infrastructure maintenance, ways to improve maximum uptime for charge operators and find a way to aggregate all monitoring, infrastructure, and software platforms are critical. From charger telemetry systems, software & billing management, electrical components malfunction, and connection issues, the market needs a solution that understands through a unified approach or aggregate monitoring systems.

One of the foremost pressing challenges EV charge operators face is interlinking vast sets of knowledge databases stored between infrastructure clients, software platforms, and billing platforms. Often, information falls through the cracks, making it difficult to navigate and quantify how systems can talk and improve ways an operator can optimize their EV infrastructure. 

One way is streamlining an understanding of how a three-tier SLA support for on-site and off-site service can function for charge operators. An optimal service support would need to cover all three levels of technical support and encompass the whole value chain ecosystem, and as it happens, that is now something EVA Global offers.

Diagram: The three levels of EV charging support
Diagram: The three levels of EV charging support

Delivering Simple and Effective Contact Resolution

While EV charger malfunctions may happen, charge station operators need to be constantly vigilant to prevent a stalling of their business and the overall EV movement. As in any business model, understanding a customer-first approach and having a charge up without any surprises focuses on user-friendliness and experience. To this end, when things sometimes go wrong, we started by developing a customer journey public charging benchmark on how contact resolution can smoothly be resolved at charging stations. 

When a technical problem is identified on EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) or the network itself, first-level support is typically resolved through remote diagnostics, examining and identifying the local problem, and immediately supporting the driver remotely. While the troubleshooting happens during the charge session, behind the scenes, EVA’s platform pinpoints the level of technical issues at hand through monitoring with full-service platform integration at all three support levels, gathering from EV charger knowledge database, and advanced machine learning algorithms, enabling a single point of contact for a technical resolution, ensuring a seamless charging experience for the driver.

Diagram: Incident resolution journey
Diagram: Incident resolution journey

Connect, See, Orchestrate, and Manage

So, you want to have your own EV monitoring platform? It’s only natural – all the cool kids do. Just like in today’s evolving digital world, the most competitive companies connect tools and data like never before, to better improve business competitiveness.   

Despite their relatively short existence on the market, most charge point operators require expensive and cost-prohibitive monitoring tools built and developed for individual charge networks. In response, EVA Global is helping accelerate operators in speed to market, creating a solution built to purpose with EVA Assists & EVA Assures Hypercare, to complete as a digital operator, with lower cost-to-entry, and the ability to fully adapt with clients’ back office and charge infrastructure for a seamless integration experience. 

“The EVA Hypercare solution simplifies network management for charge operators, enhancing their network capabilities, enabling improved monitoring, increasing efficiency and enabling improved monitoring, increasing efficiency, and uptime. This will also create new advantages across the EV value chain, as all data is ubiquitously connected and communicating with each other.” Explained EVA Assures Director, Emanuel Moreira. 

With EVA’s proprietary platform monitoring, real-time diagnostics help operators determine the condition of EV charging equipment, offering a better understanding and estimate of when preventative & predictive maintenance should be performed. This approach leads to cost savings over routine or time-based maintenance. Ultimately, this gives more efficiency on resources according to network load and demand, improving uptime resilience and a better understanding of charge network health. 

A complete solution approach

EVA Global’s differentiator in Assures is its ability to include machine learning, a method of data analysis that automates analytical modelling of the EV charging environment. The abilities of EVA’s algorithm intelligence-based idea are that all systems can learn from each other with data sharing, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention, and intercept technical problems before they manifest. 

“Through machine learning, we are unlocking the full potential of EV operations, through data handling and bridging maintenance gaps – this solution simplifies network management for charge operators, improving their network capabilities.” Continued Emanuel Moreira, EVA Assures Director.

EVA’s EV charging infrastructure algorithm in a pyramid diagram

With full platform integration, charge point operators will have the ability to access charging station information such as status, location and perform general commands, for example, start, stop, unlock, and reset. This integration enhances productivity, as the operator can now have full command functionality in one window, saving agents time by not having to log into multiple window environments dealing with back-office and numerous platforms. These scalable platform solutions operate not to sustain the status quo but to make positive and sustainable changes.

“For EV operators, EVA Assures can act as a conduit that supports network intelligence and productivity, tapping the full potential of an EV network. By interconnecting platforms and systems, this converged model will provide operators further optimization, improve efficiency and charge network quality, delivering a premium platform management experience.” Concluded Emanuel Moreira, EVA Assures Director.

Ultimately, EVA Assures helps improve understanding of the network and reduce maintenance, eventually saving money on hardware costs and gaining real-time trust and confidence through business insights. In the end, this means simplicity for network management, the ability to forecast the health of EV infrastructure, and an overall seamless experience for charge point operators and their drivers.

Emanuel Moreira, Director EVA Assures and Richard Moravec, Head of Content Marketing EVA Global

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